Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dear Mr. Jefferson,

Dear Mr. Jefferson,
The journey was the Corps at its best. The journey was America at its best. America was at its best when we were creating friendships with many Indian tribes across the land. America was at its best when crossing the great mountains, persisting on getting to the other side. America was at its best when we had enough trust to have an Indian women with a baby help lead us from one ocean to the other. America was at its best when a black man and a women voted for the first time! I believe that America will grow so much because of this expedition. I am extremely excited to see what future has in store for us. We've already completed so much!
For my weekly labors, discoveries…for all my endeavors that have been brought to this journey, I believe that I should be paid the grade of an A-.

With much gratitude,
Mary Kujan


  1. this is god because you actually explained why it was america at its best, which is a lot more than some people did.

  2. very well written you defiantly deserve an A

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. y thank u sierra that is very kind of u

    (ps im calling u sierra now MUAHAHHAH)

    thank u tj!

    good day sierra
